Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 5

As you can see, today is Day 5 of Living with Anomalies of the Time Stream (LATS)
Today I was flipping through a cookbook trying to find a recipe for dinner when the Master popped up asking where I kept the explosives. When I told him we didn't have any, he demanded why not. I explained that most levels of explosives are illegal, or can only be purchased with a license. After a long and frustrating conversation, he discovered that I do, in fact, own a license for such explosives. He was very surprised, and after a moment or two of stunned silence he demanded I go out and acquire some. After another equally long and frustrating discussion, we reached the conclusion that I would buy one small explosive if he made dinner.
Suffice it to say, I came home to find that dinner was explosive.
The Master has officially been banned from the kitchen.