Saturday, October 30, 2010

Venus Project Fundraiser--Fantastic or Fiasco?

This week, in another attempt to force the Master and I to get along, the Doctor paired us up for the Venus Project Fundraiser. This year's Fundraiser was cookie selling. I used this as an opportunity to raise awareness for the Project. The Master was surprisingly helpful, aiding me in loading cookies into crates for the customers. He used this activity as an opportunity to find out which buyers had the most money in their wallets, by "helpfully" assisting people to pay for their purchases. Many of these customers returned a short while later, rather angry at the mysterious disappearance of much of the contents in their wallets. Among these customers was a small girl of about twelve, who had nothing in her bag but a toonie and a library card. (Really, Master? What could you possibly achieve by stealing a ten-year-olds library membership?)
However, I must admit that we did raise more money this year than any past fundraiser has. Because of our sudden increase in funds, the Project has been extended for another six months instead of expiring in fifty-seven days as it was originally supposed to. (This--in addition to the fact that my wrist is almost healed--means we can, in fact, go to the Amazon, which the Doctor has been bugging me about for a few weeks now.)


  1. oh yay im so excited!!! I can't wait to go to the Amazon, I have always wanted to go!
    I'm so glad your wrist is better Sophie!(probably thanks to my great homemade soup and attention);)

  2. It is exciting! I'm quite surprised the Doctor hasn't jumped in with detailed plans, or the Master talking about how books could destroy four-sevenths of the universe or something. I haven't seen either of them in quite a while...
    Yes, definitely thanks to your soup and attention.

  3. Yes it is quite odd that neither of them have been around that I think about it I don't think I have seen either of them around in at least a week! don't think..they left without us? can't be it...could it?

  4. No, of course not. They wouldn't have.

  5. That would be absolutely ridiculous. Not to mention rude. And completely un-Doctor-like behavior.

  6. I haven't seen the TARDIS anywhere for about a week and a half, either...

  7. *sniffle* and I...*sniff* I was so looking forward to going :'(

  8. why? WHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Hey! Sorry bout that!
    Contrary to apparently popular belief, we did not leave without you. We simply... went to the Jurassic period to go Tyrannosaurus-riding.
    We would have told you, but it was kind of... an accident. But we're back now! Sorry again!
